·Available for Hire.

Noel Aczel.


Nice to meet you! I am a Cyber Security Student and Ethusiast currently living in the UK with a strong foundation in Cyber Security and Software Development.

I have a wealth of skills in - Website Development, Programming, Networking and Incident Managment.

Who I am

I'm Noel, currently a student with the passion to become a Security Engineer with a curious mind and an obsession with the digital world.

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Current Project

I'm currently discovering Web Assembly technology using the Rust Langauge and learning to develop a Web App that can process payments securely.

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What i can do for you

Reports, Risk Assessments, Vulnerability Scans, Software and Network Analysis. My goal is to protect digital assets through ethical means without the sacrafice of performance and quality.

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About me

I'm Noel Aczel, a dedicated individual looking to work in the Cyber Security industry. I am known to be intuitive and creative when it comes to solving problems with the habit of cultivating my skills.

In addition to Cyber Security, i am experienced in multiple programming languages such as Rust, Python, Java, JavaScript and C#.


Surrey, Uk


Incident Management
Vulnerablility Scanning


Software Development

Website Development

Cyber Security

See CV >




Knowledge of both Linux and Windows Systems and how they are secured.

Network Security Tools

Experience with Security Tools such as Hex Editors, Autopsy and Wireshark.

Report Writing

I am able to write concise but detailed reports effectively.


High Level Languages

Experience with Programming Languages like Python, Java and JavaScript.

Low Level Languages

Familiar with Low Level concepts like memory management and safety from using Rust and C++.


Knowledge of Frameworks and their application for modern development.


Google Cyber Security Specialization

Google's Cyber Security Course on Security Frameworks, Linux, Scripting and Stakeholder Management used for incident management.

View Certificate >

LinkedIn GDPR

Kalinda Raina's GDPR course covering all areas of the General Data Protection Regulations and its affect on companies.

View Certificate >



Responsive Web Design

I Learned how to develop responsive websites such as this, using modern Layout Technologies such as Grid and Flexbox with the combination of media queries.


Rust: Basics and Server

The project involved learning the Rust Programming language and applying the knowledge from the Rust by Example to a project in Rust by Practice and opening a server on localhost.

View Certificate >

Report: Ethics on AI on Jobs

I endulged myself into researching the implications of Artificial Intelligence on the Job market in the future and wrote a report on my findings.

View Report >
Communicating with stakeholders

Communication: Stakeholders

I posses the knowledge and experience communicating between a company and its stakeholders via a training scheme from an employer.

View Certificate >

Git & Github Experience

Learning Git & Github revealed the concept of digital asset Security & Storage and tools you can use for maintenance and collaboration.

View Github >

Soft Skill: Leadership

I have experience in training employees and managing their growth in skills and experience in the workplace.

View Certificate >

Soft Skill: Teamwork

I started leading a team to research and interview for a report i wrote about Artifical Intelligence and its impact on Jobs.

View Project >

Soft Skill: Problem Solving

I learned through a learning scheme how i can prevent violent behaviour at work, which enabled me with the skills to solve conflict during work.

View Certificate >
